Sunday, August 25, 2013

All He/She does is text! Is this a Good Start to a Lasting Relationship?

Question2: How do you feel about someone who only communicates via text message?

I loathe it, hate it, and so much more!! 

#1 there is no way you can get to know a person through text. Text message are for like: "hey", "bye", "c u later", if you are at work "how's your day" etc. If you don't know me like that you definitely won't get to know me that way. 

#2 if a person only talks through text they have communication issues and that is definitely a problem. That's the same person you later argue with via text message. I think that's so lame, I prefer my men to take the lead, the initiative, address a situation head know like a man?!?! YEA So if you text me all the time, or that is the only way we can communication I know what category you're in!

I have been there and its disgusting, its like you trying to tip me with your time and I am supposed to be ok with that, yeah.....NO. I have been involved with guys, especially the ones who I really like, where I let that junk slide: worst decision of my LIFE to date! No I am being sarcastic but in those situations I feel like you already know what it is. Dude ain't bit more interested in me than he is a beauty supply store sale on bobby pins so its clear his motives, what he is about, the fact that he doesn't want to hold a conversation speaks volumes about him in GENERAL....I will not go there that's where my mental health degree kicks in but simply put he's just not that in to you!

Now if you like to talk to everyone via text and that's your thing your relationship may work. But I guarantee in the long run communication will be a issue no questions asked.

~Konversations w/ Kristen

Relationships & Social Media

Question 1: My boyfriend blocked me from all his social media he cheating?

Is he? In situations like these there is always more to the story. I am of the assumption that there are other things going on in the relationship that has got you wondering. What are those things? No need to share them with me but take some time and do a relationship check. Ask yourself what are all the contributing factors that are leading you to assume your boyfriend is cheating? Then ask yourself what do you mean by cheating? has cheating been defined in your relationship? He may be involved in some activity, exchanging numbers, FB messages, and so forth that you may feel is cheating and he doesn't. I am not advocating the above, however things such as these should be discussed so each person is clear.

Secondly God has blessed women with a unique gift and that's our intuition. Its such a powerful tool and every woman has one. Take advantage of the gift God gave you, with decency and tact of course, but the gift is there and she has been talking to you for some time now. What does your intuition have to say about your guy?

Next how important is social media access to you? If it is extremely important and the person you are with is unwilling to compromise then that is a relationship you should reassess. If social media access is really not that important to you, its just annoys you that you can't be nosy (no judgement here, I am a woman too so I got you) then perhaps you should consider your obsession with social media access, and wanting to know everything or be in control.

Lastly I think the whole social media and relationship thing is too much anyway. I think it grants others too much access into your personal life. God forbid you talking about John John being the best thing that happened to you on Monday, and then you talk about how trifling niggas are on Wednesday because John John has blocked you from his social media page. Imagine how you now look to all the people you were once trying to impress, on social media?!?!? For starts you may look a little crazy, unstable, in a bad relationship and now you are encouraging the opinions of others to color your perception of your relationship, that was so perfect on Monday. Or was it? You understand where I am going?

Personally, social media was a huge thing for me when I was 18, nearing my late 20's its not really that much of an issue for me. I believe in an open policy. I don't necessarily need access to your social media pages, but if I can't for whatever reason then that's a problem for ME. The same thing with a cell phone. I don't desire to snoop through your cell phone in the least bit, however if it rings and there's a problem with me handing it to you or if I glance in that direction you flip out then I think there are some things that should be addressed. That's just Kristen though. Additionally I am not much for being reactive, I prefer the proactive approach we need to talk about these things before it happens to see if we are on the same page before we pursue this thing. 

Its all a game boo. You just have to ask yourself if you are willing to play it. There is someone out there that ain't trying to play any games with you, who thinks this whole question is pointless and shares the same beliefs as you do as it pertains to social media. The question is are you willing to wait on that or are you satisfied with where you are,and either is OK. Don't ever forget, this is your life you are living and as long as you are happy that's all that matters!

~Konversations w/ Kristen ~ There is so much more I can say but I hope you got where I was going

(all of these questions are submitted via FB!

Monday, August 19, 2013

How Can I Stop Everybody Else from Doing Better than ME?

How can you stay focused on my own life when everybody else's life seems better? 

Answer: Funny you asked this, I want to assure you that it's a hard thing to do! Lol it's hard but it takes discipline. Ask yourself "how disciplined am I in general"? If you find that you are not really disciplined comparing your life with others is a hard obstacle to overcome. I struggled with this and still do. If you are disciplined however, it will be a bit easier to practice self control in this area. I am a believer that all things work together or are connected in some way or another and in order to be successful in not comparing yourself to others, you must show signs of self control in other areas of your life . For example if I desire to eat less but I never do it, or I want to become celibate but never are sure indicators that I lack discipline the potential for me to gain control over other problems areas in my life is a difficult task for me. Get it? So to answer your question when you notice that you are traveling down I Wish Ave, or Why S/He St...turn around, work your self control muscle! Redirect your thinking. Don't beat yourself up, allow yourself to be human...these thoughts are NORMAL now its your job to consciously change your thought process. Also redirect your thinking and start focusing on what you do have. Start saying out loud what you have and thank God for it. You will quickly turn your complication into gratitude & God will honor you! Overall you will feel better too! Good luck bro!


Friday, August 16, 2013

I've Reached the Quarter Life Crisis!

I'm 28 years old and I feel unaccomplished. I've completed college I have a Bachelor's in Business, however I am currently we unemployed. I want marriage, I want kids, I want a career & none of the three are in sight. I need encouragement.

Welcome to your early life crisis!!! Yes there is such a thing.!.!.!.!.!.!..!.!...a state of mind in your early 20's where you feel lost and frustrated from trying to find your way. I know many people in their 20's that are in your shoes, so you are not alone! My encouragement for you & me is to Rest! Rest yourself in God and seek His will for your life. His ways are not like yours nor are His thoughts. One of the main reasons you are facing this crisis is because you have yet to reach the place where your will has aligned with Gods. This is the toughest part b/c Gods plan may not be your plan but you have to understand that His plan is the best. In this season of life I always encourage a fast. A period of time dedicated for you and God where you surround yourself with a Christ inspired agenda. Ingest as much as you can spiritually so you can produce your God given destiny! As time progresses things will begin to make sense. You will begin to get pieces, a little here a little there. Those peices will complete your puzzle. We each have individual puzzles that are uniquely designed by God specifically for us. Don't get upset when others gets pieces that you feel you should have gotten instead. Their pieces complete thier puzzle. Your peices complete yours. You cannot see the end but God already knows it. Put your trust in Him and gratefully expect your peices to fulfill His already perfect plan for your life!! ~ Konversations w/ Kristen


Is Waiting for Sex til Marriage Realistic?!?!

Question 3
I'm a single woman, in my late twenties and have no kids. It is very difficult to abstain from having sex while dating. Sometimes I feel like it's not realistic if you are dating someone to wait until marriage, especially if you have been dating a year+. Is there some encouragement you can give me to continue this path of celibacy because at times I want to give in and do what I know I shouldn't do according to the Bible.


Woah its the SEX topic. I want to start off by saying this: its far easier for a person who is single, saved, and NOT dating to give advice to a person who is single, saved, and is DATING. Married people also have a lot to say about the importance of waiting until marriage for sex & not to discredit their advice I want you to understand it's always easier to tell someone what they should do when you are not in their shoes. I don't care if they put the shoes on before if they're currently not on that persons feet it is easier for them to tell you what you should and should not do. Don't let their approach discourage you, make you feel bad, or rub you the wrong way.... take the truth and apply it to your life asking God to help you. So I can be transparent let me let you know that I am a single, saved, woman who is currently not dating so I understand both sides. My first bit of advice is to explore your reason for not having sex. Take time & ask yourself truly "why am I waiting until marriage to have sex"? Is your decision for your mother, your father, is it because you grew up in the church, is it because you feel like you're going to go to hell if you do it or are you doing it for yourself ( been hurt before, had/have a std, don't want to get pregnant etc). None of the reasons listed will keep you on the straight and narrow! The only sure thing that can help you as you are waiting until marriage is Christ & Christ alone, period! Once you determine that Christ is the reason for waiting until marriage you have a foundation, you have a starting place and you have reliable help. Secondly I would encourage you to surround yourself with other people that are waiting until marriage for sex. If all your other girlfriends and their boyfriends are getting it popping and they're telling you all their sex stories, or are further feeding you the lies of the enemy by trying to convince you that waiting until marriage is unrealistic, then your journey of celibacy is going to be very hard and darn near impossible. Other celibate friends will serve as your sounding board who you can call anytime for encouragement. Also make sure you H\have a realistic conversation with the person you are dating.

**Intimacy is not Sex!**

 Decide and create ways you two can avoid going all the way. One thing for certain that I know singles like to do is flirt with the idea of having sex. Foreplay and all that other stuff feels really good, it's fun, and it's very exciting but it almost always lands you on a difficult path that's far more difficult to escape from... and simply put: makes everybody involved mad especially if you decide not to go all the way AND if you happen to slip up and go all the way you end up mad at yourself, mad at your boyfriend, mad at God, running from God and so many other different destructive patterns that jack you up even more. The STRUGGLE IS REAL and I want to make sure that you understand that I understand.....however to wait until marriage is possible. Its realistic and there are so many people out here who have waited until marriage for sex and I have met them, I have talked to them, they have shared with me their journey, their stories & all of them do not have lame, corny, weird boyfriends some of them are married to very handsome, established men some of which you may never think would have waited. SO don't allow the enemy and the majority of the men you speak with who tell you that waiting is stupid, nobody's going to wait on you, the expectation to wait for marriage is unrealistic etc to coerce you out of the decision and commitment you made with Christ. All in all do whatever you can to keep those panties ON... if you have to super glue them bad boys to your panty line do whatever it takes!!
 Prayer is also a powerful tool and I think that sometimes we overlook the power of prayer. When you get horny or you get backed in a corner & you feel like "Lord I cant do this anymore", start talking to HIM. Tell HIM you're horny, tell HIM your fears, tell HIM what you're feeling, talk to God and let him know. Ask for His help, ask HIM to help change the heart & mind of your boyfriend, tell HIM to make the relationship that you're in clear to you. Ask Him to show you if this relationship is someplace you're supposed to be. Give HIM time to speak back to you; create that open line of communication with the person you originally made the commitment with so that you can strengthen that bond and in return gain the courage needed to model that commitment in living color. Sista girl its hard out here and I know firsthand so Ima continued to pray for you, all of my other single friends, and myself included because the struggle is real, the enemy is busy, and it is quite natural to get horny so I get it!!! I hope that I was able to encourage you in some shape, form, or fashion.... continue to reach out to me during the struggle for encouragement you got this! 

~Konversations w/ Kristen

Monday, August 12, 2013

The African American Man: Love & Relationships (Not Applicable to All)

Your thoughts?!?

The thought process of the African American man is quite cultivated from the viewpoints and practices of other nationalities. Many of their actions are blamed on the “oppressor” which negatively impact their choices, relationships, and personal lives.  I am led to believe that the African American man is unaware of who his oppressor is: the white man, the African American woman, or himself. This segment will explore the viewpoint of the African American man: love and relationships.

 Dating back to slavery, black men were ripped away from their families, encouraged to go elsewhere to work in demeaning and hostile environments, and reestablish homes with other women in their new habitats. Its amazing how this mindset still exists today. Although society claims to have adopted the “all men are created equal” approach, no longer physically forcing African American men into demeaning jobs, however creating a struggle for black men to excel in thriving careers; serves as no justification as to why black men still hold on to the ways of their oppressor (in this case the “white man). These ways were established years ago, and like stated before encouraged black men to be absent in the home, and unfaithful to their wives and children. Unfortunately, this plan was developed to create separation between African Americans. This separation was orchestrated to impose grief, anguish, and frustration within the black community. This comingling of negative emotions were intended to produce immense rage within the community, resulting in  black on black violence, ultimately killing off the race, and sadly this process has not been identified as a motive of demise, given by the “oppressor” among blacks. It amazes me as an African American woman that our race, especially our black men do not recognize the existence of this plague and strive as a unit to demolish it.

From generation to generation a large amount of African American grandfathers and fathers teach their sons  to spread their wild oats, sow their seeds, and get all the women they can before they settle down and be faithful with one woman. As if family life is a death sentence and should be utilized as the final resort; the idea of saving marriage to when a man is old, unable to maintain stamina, and has developed a distorted perception of women, given the experiences gained from the multitude of relationships he’s had. Black men feel they are able to handle the demands of multiple women and maintain a dead end job because through history it has proven itself to be done. Without lending any regard to the damage done to all individuals involved (women, children, and in some cases men), black men take on a warped sense of pride in their ability to be the one in control, as opposed to the “oppressor”, in this case “the white man”. A ignorant notion that as long as no one else controls my actions I am in fact the leader, regardless if my actions mirror the expectations of the one who I deem my oppressor.

African American men have been labeled rolling stones, dead beat, unfaithful, and unproductive in the home and there has yet to be a massive uproar of men who seek to challenge those claims. Instead, African American men have left the responsibility of creating change, to a select few who have decided to take a stance against the negative beliefs against them. However, these noble men are knocked down by bitter black women, and their fellow African American male counterparts who refuse to be the image of change. This has created a new phenomenon which transitions not only the good black men, who respect family, but the no good black men, who could care less about others but more of themselves,  to other nationalities of women labeling not just the “White man” as the oppressor but the “black woman” as well. This shift of nationality preference still diverts the responsibility away from black men as a whole coupled with their actions, (that have negatively influenced the attitude and actions of black women) onto everyone else but themselves.

Change will not happen, black men will not take responsibility for their actions, until this plague has been labeled and deemed a problem by more than a few African American men. Once the problem is exposed then there have to be measures taken to counteract the issue. More programs need to be created to educate black men, and young children. African American men must achieve a mental transformation, in which they take their rightful place as leaders in the home, and lead effectively and efficiently. They must recognize the difference between control and self control, gain a complete understanding of the difference between positive and negative leadership, and own the responsibility for the affect that their actions have on society, women, and children. Lastly, black men must label themselves as the modern oppressor, and find grief in limiting their individual success.  Some things cannot be changed for the black man, but there are some things that the black man can change and that’s the starting point! 

Real Housewives? ..Ummm that’s up in the air?….Real Men? Are there many out there?

I wrote this back in I guess the call has always been there. Konversations with Kristen 

With the raging epidemic of reality shows about real housewives, real NBA and NFL…..wives I guess, what about a show for Real Men? I wonder why this idea hasn’t surfaced yet…perhaps I’m in the wrong profession. Is it because there aren’t many real men to choose from, or having a show about real men wouldn’t make the rating? I’m not so sure but here’s what a real lady wants from a real man.  Let’s start with the basics. Men- it is your responsibility to first know yourself then know how to treat a woman. It‘s impossible to give anything to a woman if you are unsure of who you are, and what you really want. If you do not know who you are(what you want)  try discovering that before you pursue a relationship. If you do not know how to treat a woman, learn. Simply put. This is not some one size fit all ordeal. I am sure guys you have it to some element, but what may work for me, does not work for every BODY. Being genuinely concerned for her wellbeing, emotionally, physically, and mentally is a start. Tuning in to what she needs/wants should be a follow up. Very basic information, one would think. Over time I have found that it is really not so basic. Perhaps it may be due to the fact that many women like a variety of things; or think they like things that they really do not(leaving men clueless). Well men, f.y.i its probably because  so many women have not been afforded the opportunity to be treated correctly(BY A REAL MAN)therefore their ability to discern when they are treated like a lady, is hard to discern. Drum roll please…….Real men you have to find out what women want and need, AFTER you have figured out what you want and who you are……..

He's Not Ready For a Commitment....What Shall I Do??

I have dated this guy off and on for about three years. We get along fine until I make it clear I am looking for more in the relationship. He says he is not ready to commit to me or anyone else, but he loves me and he will one day want to be in a relationship. I am not getting any younger and want to have a family before it is too late. Biggest problem is I love him so much and I feel I have spent a lot of time waiting on him. What if I give up and he comes around, and it's too late?

Girl what is meant to be will be! Men will have you waiting and waiting and waiting on them to get their career, to find God, to decide which haircut they like, to get a new car, to get two new cars, to decide whether they even want a car or not, I mean it can get ridiculous. I just don't feel that as a woman you should subject yourself to any man's timeline. God will not give you anything before its time however I definitely do not think that you should continue waiting on someone else's time and in return rush God on His time?!? As u begin to put yourself out there, I know its easier said than done, you will begin to free your mind. You will allow more room to hear God as opposed to the back and forth that you've created in your own head surrounding your decision to stay or go!

Now, KWK thinks you should move on!! If a man wants you there is nothing that can keep him away. Every person that we love is not meant for us and I think that is one concept that many people fail to realize. That's why marriages,or relationships rather, should be founded on something more solid than love alone. Love don't pay no bills , love may not like you, love is not going to come for you when you're feeling sad or lonely especially if the person you love is not ready for commitment. ... you get where I'm going with this? Hard pill to swallow: Yes. Freedom is around the corner: Sure thing, just take the 1st step! Praying for you sis

How do you feel about Beyonce's new hair cut?

Answer: Well if you know me, you know that Beyonce can do no wrong lol however personally I do not like her new haircut. For many reasons that I care not to discuss at the moment but furthermore I really don't understand why it is such a big deal!!!!!! And I am even more afraid of the new hair cutting phase that is about to go down with black women around the world! I'm sorry for the ladies who are about to start chopping off their hair or wearing those god awful wigs and shouldn't! (Forgive me, I didn't use much salt there. Yesterday's motivation) I'm not sure what it is about women and their hair but we just follow the crowds and everyone in their uniqueness, can't wear every hair style. Simply put: it just don't look good! Another thing that I am finding a bit strange about this haircut, and not Beyonce's haircut in particular, but women's hairstyles in general, are males input on how women should wear their hair. To me that's just disgusting; let women decide what they want to do with their own head! Period. Your input, simply put again, does not matter unless you are someone's husband. It's a little feminine to me but that's just my take on the matter!