Question: How do you know when you are settling; in a relationship,
career, friendship etc?

Answer: The old me would say “if you are questioning whether you are
settling or not you probably are” but now I have a different perspective! To
question if you are settling shows a sign of maturity, you’re not so naive to
think your current situation is the best thing smoking and by posing this
question to yourself you are afforded an opportunity to truly do some self-reflecting.
(Please note this post does not apply to married women, this is a question to
ponder before you make that marriage commitment)! Anyhow this question is
really tricky and I am big enough to say Kristen does not have the answer, but
I do have some things for you to consider as you make an overall assessment of
your life and measure the areas in your life you feel you're settling in!
Another question to consider is what means do you utilize to measure your standard? If
you are comparing your portion to your neighbors, co-workers, friends, TV stars, etc then my answer for you is NO you are not settling you are caught up in a downward spiral of comparing!! From the outside looking in everything looks better than what you have, it’s
not until you are in that situation that you truly see the reality of what’s
really going on.
I trust God so I know His ability and His willingness to
perform miracles in any area of life so you never know. The best thing you can do to truly find out if you're settling or not is to link up
with God. Don’t make any rash decisions, continue to develop the person you are, do
your part, and trust that the Master plan maker will do His part.
Some situations are temporal! You could be destined to be in a particular relationship for a specific time while God has your husband someplace else getting
prepared. That car you bought does not have to be your car for the rest
of your life, it’s just your right now car your luxury car is for another time;
same with a job and every other area of your life. Simply put: Be still, know
that he is God, if you are going to compare anything compare it to your value
system and belief in God, if it can’t measure up to that then you are
probably settling.
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