Monday, August 12, 2013

He's Not Ready For a Commitment....What Shall I Do??

I have dated this guy off and on for about three years. We get along fine until I make it clear I am looking for more in the relationship. He says he is not ready to commit to me or anyone else, but he loves me and he will one day want to be in a relationship. I am not getting any younger and want to have a family before it is too late. Biggest problem is I love him so much and I feel I have spent a lot of time waiting on him. What if I give up and he comes around, and it's too late?

Girl what is meant to be will be! Men will have you waiting and waiting and waiting on them to get their career, to find God, to decide which haircut they like, to get a new car, to get two new cars, to decide whether they even want a car or not, I mean it can get ridiculous. I just don't feel that as a woman you should subject yourself to any man's timeline. God will not give you anything before its time however I definitely do not think that you should continue waiting on someone else's time and in return rush God on His time?!? As u begin to put yourself out there, I know its easier said than done, you will begin to free your mind. You will allow more room to hear God as opposed to the back and forth that you've created in your own head surrounding your decision to stay or go!

Now, KWK thinks you should move on!! If a man wants you there is nothing that can keep him away. Every person that we love is not meant for us and I think that is one concept that many people fail to realize. That's why marriages,or relationships rather, should be founded on something more solid than love alone. Love don't pay no bills , love may not like you, love is not going to come for you when you're feeling sad or lonely especially if the person you love is not ready for commitment. ... you get where I'm going with this? Hard pill to swallow: Yes. Freedom is around the corner: Sure thing, just take the 1st step! Praying for you sis

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