Sunday, August 25, 2013

Relationships & Social Media

Question 1: My boyfriend blocked me from all his social media he cheating?

Is he? In situations like these there is always more to the story. I am of the assumption that there are other things going on in the relationship that has got you wondering. What are those things? No need to share them with me but take some time and do a relationship check. Ask yourself what are all the contributing factors that are leading you to assume your boyfriend is cheating? Then ask yourself what do you mean by cheating? has cheating been defined in your relationship? He may be involved in some activity, exchanging numbers, FB messages, and so forth that you may feel is cheating and he doesn't. I am not advocating the above, however things such as these should be discussed so each person is clear.

Secondly God has blessed women with a unique gift and that's our intuition. Its such a powerful tool and every woman has one. Take advantage of the gift God gave you, with decency and tact of course, but the gift is there and she has been talking to you for some time now. What does your intuition have to say about your guy?

Next how important is social media access to you? If it is extremely important and the person you are with is unwilling to compromise then that is a relationship you should reassess. If social media access is really not that important to you, its just annoys you that you can't be nosy (no judgement here, I am a woman too so I got you) then perhaps you should consider your obsession with social media access, and wanting to know everything or be in control.

Lastly I think the whole social media and relationship thing is too much anyway. I think it grants others too much access into your personal life. God forbid you talking about John John being the best thing that happened to you on Monday, and then you talk about how trifling niggas are on Wednesday because John John has blocked you from his social media page. Imagine how you now look to all the people you were once trying to impress, on social media?!?!? For starts you may look a little crazy, unstable, in a bad relationship and now you are encouraging the opinions of others to color your perception of your relationship, that was so perfect on Monday. Or was it? You understand where I am going?

Personally, social media was a huge thing for me when I was 18, nearing my late 20's its not really that much of an issue for me. I believe in an open policy. I don't necessarily need access to your social media pages, but if I can't for whatever reason then that's a problem for ME. The same thing with a cell phone. I don't desire to snoop through your cell phone in the least bit, however if it rings and there's a problem with me handing it to you or if I glance in that direction you flip out then I think there are some things that should be addressed. That's just Kristen though. Additionally I am not much for being reactive, I prefer the proactive approach we need to talk about these things before it happens to see if we are on the same page before we pursue this thing. 

Its all a game boo. You just have to ask yourself if you are willing to play it. There is someone out there that ain't trying to play any games with you, who thinks this whole question is pointless and shares the same beliefs as you do as it pertains to social media. The question is are you willing to wait on that or are you satisfied with where you are,and either is OK. Don't ever forget, this is your life you are living and as long as you are happy that's all that matters!

~Konversations w/ Kristen ~ There is so much more I can say but I hope you got where I was going

(all of these questions are submitted via FB!

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