Answer: WOAH!! I'm motived by God. When I look over my crazy life and all the crazy things that I have done in my lifetime compared to the grace and mercy that HE afford to me every single day, makes God my main motivation, mostly b/c He loves and cares about me most. But don't get it twisted we have our moments where I'm like "God what the heck is going on", "where are you", "did you stop listening to me", "what's going on in my life", "where the heck is my husband", "You said I will experience this____________, um I don't see a pie in the sky", and anything else you can think of. But then I am just so comforted in knowing that HE loves me unconditionally and while I continue to make change HE remains the same and have always wanted the best for me, has already created the best life for me and is just patiently waiting on me to surrender and submit to His will which has been the hardest thing on my part.

My future family also motivates me... the family that God has already promised that I would have. I am motivated to be the best woman that can be so that I can be an awesome wife and a great mother. I want to be a help me and joyful companion to & for the man that God has for me and just as a great example for my kids.I am also motivated by youth, in particular teens. Teenagers have the biggest affect on me because those are the most formative years of one's life where you really don't know what you want to do, where you're going, and you simply need direction, you need validation, you need love, you need support, and it may just be one me but I am willing to give all the love, encouragement, &support I have to every teenager and young adult I can. I just want them to realize all the endless possibilities that out for them if they stay on the right track I make great decisions.

Lastly I'm motivated by you Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, all the people that I meet randomly who want to be better but just don't know how, the people that want to know Christ but don't know where to start, the people that are just waiting for a real woman to stand up and model, you know, the type of woman that God created in His image, the women that reach out to me so that I can give them advice and support in their marriage or relationship, the men that reach out to me with questions about Christ as well as the men who pride themselves as wonderful fathers I'm motivated by that too.
All questions are submitted via FB, for KWK ask Kristen Fridays!
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