Friday, November 8, 2013

What Do Women Really Want....

Question: Ok, Kristen I know you never get questions from guys…..or do you? I have a question as a single man, what do women really want? I meet so many women and it seems like they don’t even know what they want, yet they always talking bout “they want a relationship”. I really feel that most women are clueless as to what they want from a man that’s why they are single. SO tell me, what do women REALLY want?

Answer: Well Sir, I can’t answer for all women but I can highlight a few things some of the women in my circle have repeated continuously that they desire in a man. First let me say this, I do believe that many women do not know what they want that’s why we have so many single ladies. Additionally there aren’t many men offering a good example for them to narrow down some options sooooo, it goes both ways. Obviously you follow me a little bit so you should know that I stand for “men being leaders”. Leaders set the example! Many women have been involved with so many men that aren’t true leaders, so as a result they have been jaded by their experiences! This makes it difficult for women to truly articulate what they want in a man.

So what do women really want, I can tell you a few things! Beyond looks, because we already know everyone wants someone they can look at, I have found that older women place looks around 3 or 4 as opposed to younger women who rate looks 1or2. Just an FYI!

In no particular order here it goes!

1) Consistency- Women want a man who is consistent. If he says he’s going to do something then he should do it. If he says he’s going to call, then he should call. If he says he wants to take her out Friday, then they should go out on Friday. It’s really simple. If you have no intentions on calling a woman back then JUST DON’T SAY ANYTHING (little do you know women are OK with that).

2) Honesty/Openness- Whatever a man has going on LET A WOMAN KNOW. If it’s a GF, wife, fiancé, wet baby, no car, no job, AIDS, what have you, just LET A WOMAN KNOW! You would be amazed at the exceptions women make now-a-days not saying it’s right but some women will put up with anything….it’s just something about a liar that’s a universal NO NO for the classy and the ratchet.
Openness-Women also like to feel needed, so withholding information from us makes us feel left out! We understand that you want to be the man but sometimes a woman just wants to feel included so by being open with her she can in return feel needed and/or wanted, or she may simply think that you value her or trust her enough to tell her the important things. Oh and sometimes we just want to be nosy, since I’m putting it all out there! Lol

3) Confidence- A confident man is sure of himself. He knows what he wants, his strengths and his weaknesses, and he is fully aware of what he can and cannot get. The best leaders are confident. A confident man sets the standard for the relationship and women know they can’t play games with a man who has an established sense of confidence about himself. We view this as a strength; no matter how insecure a woman is an insecure man is definitely not an asset!
4) Spiritual- I put spiritual because some of my readers aren’t Christians but for the women in my circle we want Christian men. Some prefer a man who’s more Christian than others but a man who is solid in the WORD is what most Christian women are looking for. Some prefer church men, men tatted with scriptures, etc. But an authentic relationship with God is a must for most women.

5) Sexy- Isn’t limited to a physical characteristic but also includes a man’s mannerism, style, swag, confidence can go here too, etc. These are all very attractive traits! A man cannot be handsome but can be very sexy and that works for most women!
6) Financially Literate- Listen some women prefer a man with a higher income than others but check this: Most women want a man who knows how to handle money. If you aren’t making that much money but you spend everything you have on frivolous living (clubs, clothes, J’s, jewelry, lavish meals, etc) the fact that you don’t make that much money isn’t the problem, your spending habits is! Women look for security, regardless if she makes bank or not, unless she wants to be a sugar momma. I think both parties’ men and women want to make sure if something happens the other can hold it down! A good woman makes a man better anyway, so as long as he handles his money relatively well I believe most women can work with him.

7) Selflessness- Women are needy for the most part and when I say needy I mean emotionally. Our feelings get hurt easily, we jump to conclusions, think too much, even the best women I know can be moody and irrational at times, & I know fellas we are all over the place….. TO BE HONEST! However the tendency for women to act up decreases when a man consistently shows her that she is his top priority. When a man acts selflessly in a relationship, a woman can’t resist him. PERIOD. If men were consistently and selflessly doing their part, I promise their woman would be much better towards them!  

*All of the question are submitted via FB for KWK Ask Kristen Fridays*
                               *All images are from Google*

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